Hawk HIT News
Past Years Shows
Spring 2015
Fall 2014
Pre 2014
Submit An Announcement
Please fill out this form to request a news item to be added to the Hutch News Blog, Hawk Hit News, and/or school calendar. All items posted to the blog will also automatically be considered for inclusion in the biweekly newsletter emailed to parents. Only news items appropriate to the audience; meeting all legal requirements for student privacy; and pertinent to the students, parents, and staff of Hutchison High School will be posted.
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Required Info
Email (So we can contact you if there are questions.)
News Item Title
What news would you like to share?
Date to Stop Running Announcement
It is helpful for us to know when you want us to stop running the announcement. Also if you have a different start date then the date you sent you can put that here as well.
Where Would you like this posted
Hawk HIT News (Daily Video Annoucnements)
HHS Website
Daily E-mail
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Max file size: 20MB
If you have images to include, please upload them here.
If you are including images, did you check that all photo permissions are in order?
I don't know how to do that
Other Info (not required)
Dates You want information presented, special instructions, etc.
Your news submission will be reviewed by the a member of the Hutch staff and posted within the next 48 hours assuming all requirements are met.